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Freudian slips

美 [ˈfrɔɪdiən slɪps]英 [ˈfrɔɪdiən slɪps]
  • n.漏嘴,失言(无意中泄露真实思想)
  • Freudian slip的复数
Freudian slipsFreudian slips

Freudian slips


  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指潜意识性情感驱使的)失言,口误
    If someone accidentally says something that reveals their subconscious feelings, especially their sexual feelings, this is referred to as a Freudian slip .

  1. Dont judge them for those comments ; treat these blurts as Freudian slips .


  2. treat these blurts as Freudian slips .
